I'm really excited to be able to talk more about my continuing collaboration with Kyley. When I first entered this contest in December, I literally thought I would be just throwing wildflower seeds into the wind and coming back nine months later to see what grew. I am so happy that throughout this process, Descience has encouraged us to collaborate so much, and I am so happy that I to be paired with Kyley. Even though I know very little about fashion or the process of making a runway outfit, I feel like she's really valued my input and thoughts throughout this whole process.
I just started medical school again and unfortunately my schedule has kept me from connecting with Kyley for a while but last week we are able to get together finally, and I filmed her stretching some wool to make some hats. We're both really excited about thinking about accessories for her pieces; we've actually discovered that we're very much on the same wavelength in some of our ideas. I also met some of her family, who were great and so enthusiastic and supportive of our project and collaboration. And I'm continuing to collect these blue and yellow plates that come from pipette tip boxes for Kyley to use on one of her creations. We couldn't really decide on one single piece or one single outfit, so Kyley is beginning to make a mini collection of some of our favorite ideas. We think that Descience will be a great platform for this!
It's very exciting to see her ideas take form and I can't express how impressed I was in seeing all of these pieces in progress that Kyley has been making all by hand. The vinyl panels for the raincoat looked even cooler in person than I imagined. And she's been able to piece together the pipette tip plates into these really cool 3-D forms. We have been discussing some exciting ways that we can continue to collaborate, so stay tuned for more and possibly a video blog from us!
the Hijackers