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Who is behind this dress?

Masha Titova, a Junior at the Massachussetts College of Art and Design and a Descience enthusiast created this dress. It contains no fabric whatsoever. We asked Masha to tell us about her inspiration and process.


"I had taken apart an old flat iron and got inspired by all of the parts that were inside; little computer chips and pieces. They made me think of beads and I fell in love. I was able to acquire quite a few old parts from my father's work, which allowed me to pursue this idea of mine."

"I decided to go towards an architectural approach and give the dress a bold appearance. Not only did I want the shape to be bold but have something extra eye catching, and that's where the lights come in. After looking into more electronic parts, I thought, "Why can't i use functional parts and make it light up?" The dress has two battery packs that give power to white LED Lights and Green Electroluminescent Lights."

What will Masha come up with next?

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